Step-by-step Guide for BCA Lift PTO Recommission

Recommissioning a lift's Permit to Operate (PTO) is essential before your lift is ready to safely return to service. This is part of the Building and Construction Authority (BCA)’s lift requirements.
We’ve created a step-by-step guide to help lift owners and building managers in Singapore navigate this process with ease. Follow these instructions to ensure a smooth recommissioning experience on the BCA Lifts and Escalators Application (LEAP) Portal.
If you're looking for information on other PTO-related matters, click on the following links to learn more about:
- PTO Recommission FAQs
- Making a new PTO application
- Step-by-step Guide for Lift PTO Renewal in Singapore
- PTO renewal FAQs
- Appointing & Managing Representatives in the BCA LEAP Portal
BCA Lift PTO Recommission Process
The following are steps to take after you’ve logged in to the BCA LEAP Portal:
Step 1: Select the filter which states “Ongoing Recommissioning”.
Step 2: Select the lift that requires recommissioning by checking the checkbox.
Step 3: Click the “Commence Recommission PTO” button to start the PTO renewal process.
Step 4: Assign Maintenance Contractor by clicking the dropdown list. If you know who the Installation Contractor is, you may input them by selecting the drop down box. If you’re not aware of who the Installation Contractor is, you may leave this field blank.
Step 5: Click the “Next” button.
Step 6: Check the total payment amount and click the “Proceed To Payment” button on the bottom right.
Step 7: Select your mode of payment. You’ll be able to choose between credit card, PayNow, or Bank Transfer.
Step 8: Click the “Confirm” button on the bottom right.
For credit card payment:
You’ll need to input your card details and click on the “Pay” button:
For PayNow:
You’ll need to select “PayNow”, followed by the “Pay” button:
After which, scan the PayNow QR Code to make payment:
For bank transfer:
Select the “Bank Transfer” payment option and follow the instructions to complete the Bank Transfer. A separate email with details of how to make payment using Bank Transfer will also be sent to your latest verified email.
Note: If you’re the lift owner, you may select the “Confirm” button.
Payment completion
Once you’ve completed payment, a success message will appear indicating that the process is completed. You may click the “Print Receipt” button on the bottom right to save your proof of payment.
When viewing your Equipment List, the Application Status will now state “Pending PTO Officer Review”. You’ll have to wait a few days for the review to be completed and to be notified of the outcome.
Managing lifts can be complex, but reliable support is always within reach. At Hin Chong, we specialise in lift maintenance and lift modernisation services that prioritise safety and performance.
If you’re looking for professional guidance by a BCA registered lift contractor, feel free to reach out to our experienced team today!