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Taking Over An Existing Lift in Singapore? Here's What You Need to Know

Adrian ChiewJul 16, 2024
Taking Over An Existing Lift in Singapore? Here's What You Need to Know
Photo by Unsplash: https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1446726393226-86e252d674c4

Taking over an existing lift in Singapore can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With a clear understanding of the necessary steps and requirements, you'll soon have everything running smoothly. In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know as a lift owner, ensuring you remain compliant and efficient.

Sorting Out Permit-to-Operate (PTO) Matters

One of the responsibilities of being a lift owner is obtaining a Permit-to-Operate (PTO). Securing a valid PTO is absolutely crucial—unless your lift falls under certain exclusion categories.

When a premise changes hands and you're the new lift owner, you can initiate the transfer of lift ownership through the Lifts and Escalators Application (LEAP) portal by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA)

Remember to examine the current status of the lift's PTO. If the lift's PTO has expired or is set to expire soon, it requires immediate renewal to avoid any interruptions in service. Failure to promptly renew the PTO could lead to the suspension and shutdown of the lift.

We have written extensively on the BCA LEAP portal and PTO-related matters previously. You can read more about them by clicking the links below:

Verify the Lift's Maintenance History

Verifying a lift's maintenance history is crucial in ensuring its safety and operational efficiency.

The Building Maintenance and Strata Management Regulations (Lift, Escalator and Building Maintenance) 2016, or BMSM Regulations 2016 for short, requires lift owners to keep accurate maintenance records for their lifts.

Records should detail all routine checks, repairs, and any incidents. They must include specifics such as the components inspected, actions taken, current condition of the equipment, any unusual occurrences or accidents, and particulars of any passengers involved.

As records should be maintained for a minimum of 5 years, it is recommended that you request for such documents from the previous lift owner.

Look for any recurring issues or frequent repairs, which could be red flags indicating potential ongoing problems. Likewise, pay attention to any reported defects or recommendations made by the lift maintenance company engaged by the previous owner.

If there is an existing lift maintenance contract, reaching out to the contractor can provide valuable insights. They can offer detailed information on the lift's condition, any recent works undertaken, and their professional assessment of future maintenance needs. This can also help you decide whether to continue with the same contractor or engage a new one.

Engaging a Registered Lift Service Contractor

Employ the services of a registered lift service contractor alongside a Specialist Professional Engineer (SPE). Together, they will evaluate if all equipment complies with the relevant codes and standards. They will also identify any issues that could impact the safe usage of the lift, including wear and tear.

You'll be able to find registered lift contractors such as Hin Chong in the BCA directory of registered contractors and licensed builders.

Regular Lift Maintenance & Servicing

Regular lift maintenance is the cornerstone of safe and efficient lift operation. In Singapore, it is mandatory under the BMSM Regulations 2016 for lifts to undergo routine lift maintenance. This ensures that your lifts remain in optimal working condition and helps prevent breakdowns that can be both costly and inconvenient.

Your lift maintenance schedule should be as follows:

  • Home lifts, vertical platform lifts, and stairlifts: Adhere to the manufacturer's recommended intervals if provided, or ensure maintenance at least once every 3 months, whichever is more frequent.

  • Other types of lifts: Follow the manufacturer’s suggested maintenance frequency if available, or perform maintenance at least once a month, whichever is more frequent.

When it comes to lift maintenance, hiring a BCA registered lift service contractor is not just a recommendation. In fact, it's a requirement stated in the BMSM Regulations 2016 for short.

Understanding Singapore's 2024 Maintenance Control Plan (MCP)

We've written about the 2024 Maintenance Control Plan (MCP) in detail previously—but in summary, it advocates a proactive life cycle approach to lift maintenance, including the criteria and recommended schedule for replacement of parts.

The MCP also includes a plan to modernise old lifts with obsolete parts. If you're taking over an existing lift, there is a high chance that it is an ageing lift. For lifts that are more than 15 years old, the BCA highly recommends they undergo lift modernisation.

An MCP is tailored to each lift, detailing specific maintenance needs and establishing criteria for the replacement of lift components throughout its lifespan. This ensures clear guidelines on when components must be replaced or modernised.

Having an MCP allows for efficient planning and budgeting for replacement costs, and enables your lift maintenance company to procure necessary parts well in advance.

We strongly recommend collaborating with your lift maintenance company to develop and implement an MCP. This will not only enhance the safety of lift operations, but also streamline your planning and budgeting processes as a lift owner.

Feel free to contact Hin Chong if you require any assistance or professional advice. Our team is always happy to help you navigate the complexities of lift maintenance and management!

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